Books in English
Ref.  Book Description Price
14240 ADAMS, Arthur B. -- ECONOMICS OF BUSINESS CYCLES. By... First Edition. Third Impression. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York - London. 1925. In-8º de XVI-268 págs. Enc. Editorial. 17,50€
14138 ADMIRALTY MANUAL -- ADMIRALTY MANUAL OF NAVIGATION - 1928. Volume I (e Volume II. London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1928. 2 vols. In-4º de VIII-489 e VIII-335 págs. E. Com vários mapas desdobráveis. 40,00€
14139 ADMIRALTY MANUAL -- ADMIRALTY MANUAL OF THE SPERRY GYRO COMPASS 1931. London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1931. In-4º de VIII-136 págs. E. Com vários mapas desdobráveis. 25,00€
272 ALMEIDA ARAUJO -- ALMEIDA ARAUJO. Painter, scuptor, architect. Introduced by Frederico George. Edições Inapa. Lisboa. 1993. In-4º de 200-II págs. Enc. do editor Obra profusamente ilustrada. 30,00€
442 ANDRADE, António Alberto de -- MANY RACES - ONE NATION. Radical non-discrimination always the cornerstone of Portugal`s overseas policy. Lisbon. 1961. In-8ºgr de 48-XXII págs. B. Obra ilustrada no fim em extratexto. Com húmidade na contra capa e nas ultimas três páginas. 15,00€
20080 ASCENSO, José Crespo -- INHERITANCE AND RELATION-SHIPS AMONG GROWTH CHARACTERS OF YOUNG CACAO SEEDLINGS. (Junta de Investigações do Ultramar). Lisboa. 1963. In-8º de 89-I págs. Cart. editorial. Na colecção "Estudos, ensaios e documentos - 105". 15,00€
20638 BENSABAT, Jacob -- ELEGANT EXTRACTS IN PROSE AND VERSE. From The Most Celebrated British Authors - Nova Selecta Ingleza ou trechos extrahidos dos melhores classicos inglezes em prosa e verso para o estudo da lingua ingleza. Em conformidade com os novos programas dos Lyceus do Reino. Porto. Livraria Portuense de Clavel & C.ª. 1881. In-8º de XV-384 págs. E. 20,00€
19857 BLACK, Robert -- THE ART OF JACOB EPSTEIN. by... The World Publishing Company. Cleveland. (1942). In-4º de 251 pags. Enc. do editor. Exemplar ilustrado com mais de uma centena de gravuras. 35,00€
16857 BLESS, H. -- PSYCHIATRIE PASTORALE. Traduit par Mr. Chanoine P. Ghyssaert. édition, revue et augmentée. Editions Ch. Beyaert - Bruges. (1958). In-8º de 302 págs. B. 12,00€
20644 BOWMAN, F. H. (Frederick Hungerford) -- THE INTERMEDIATE TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE. By... Illustrated. Cassel, Peter, Galpin & Co. Lon, Paris & New York. 1882. In-8º de XVI-320 págs. Cart.. Cartonagem editorial. 30,00€
17198 BRIGGS, William - BRYAN, G. H. -- ELEMENTARY (AN) TEXT-BOOK OF MECHANICS. By... London. W. B. Clive. (1897). In-8º peqº de VIII-336 págs. Enc. editorial. Na colecção "The University Tutorial Series". 15,00€
13546 BROCHADO, Costa -- THE DISCOVERY OF THE ATLANTIC. Lisboa. Comissão Executiva das Comemorações do Quinto Centenário da Morte do Infante D. Henrique. 1960. In-8º de 126-lI págs. B. 10,00€
15992 BROWN, Charles H. -- DEVIATION AND THE DEVIASCOPE. Including the Practice and THEORY OF Compass Adjustment, also a Note on the Gyro-Compass by Captain... Revised and enlarged. Glasgow. Brown, Son & Ferguson. 1930. In-8º de XI-266-I págs. E. Com cinco desdobráveis no final. 20,00€
14140 BROWN, Charles H. -- NICHOLLS'S SEAMANSHIP AND NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE. for Second Mates'. Mates', and Masters' Examinations. By... Glasgow. Brown, Son & Fergunson, Ltd. 1932. In-8º gr de XX-620 págs. E. Profusamente ilustrado em extratexto. 30,00€
17641 BURNETT, J. Compton -- GOUT AND ITS CURE. By... London. James Epps & Co. Limited. 1895. In-8º peqº de IV-180 págs. Enc. editorial. 25,00€
1016 CARDOSO, A. J. Alfaro -- ANGOLA. Your Neighbour. 1950. Privately Published. In-4º peq. de 146 págs. B. Pequena monografia, abordando diversas áreas, ilustrado em extratexto. Lombada no final danificada. 20,00€
2900 CLARK, Edna Maria -- OHIO ART AND ARTISTS. By... Richmond. Garrett and Massie, Publishers. (1932). In-4º de 509 págs. Enc. do editor. Mais de cem reproduções. 30,00€
19607 David HUME, Tobias SMOLLETT, T. S. HUGHES -- HUME AND SMOLLETT'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Death of George II., with A CONTINUATION to the Reign of William IV (1835), by the Rev. T. S. Hughes, B.D. In One Volume. Paris. Published by A. and W. Galignani and Co. 1837. - de VI-808 páginas. No mesmo volume segue: THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, from de revolution in 1688 to the death of George the Second in 1700 by Tobias Smollett, M. D. - de IV-510 páginas. No mesmo volume segue: THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, from de death of George the Second in 1700 to the present time; by The Ver. T. S. Hughes, B. D. - de II-728 páginas. Tudo em 1 vol. In-fólio E. 150,00€
4059 DICKENS, Charles -- TALE (A) OF TWO CITIES. By... With Illustrations from drawings by "Phiz" (Hablot K. Browne) and Fred. Barnard together with and introductory sketch by May Lamberton Becker. 1944. New York. Dodd, Mead & Company. In-8º de XIV-353 págs. Enc. do editor Bonita edição ilustrada. Com uma assinatura na folha de guarda. 17,50€
14726 DIXON, William Hepworth -- HOLY (THE) LAND. By... Copyright edition. In two volumes. Leipzig. Bernhard Tauchnitz. 1865. 2 vols. In-8º peqº de XVI-272 e XVI-275-I págs. Em 1 vol. E. Inserido na colecção "Collection of British Authors". Bonita encadernação da época. 24,00€
17196 DOWSETT, H. M. -- WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY. First Principles, Present Practice and Testing. By... Published from the offices of "The Wireless World" Iliffe & Sons LimIted. London. (1920). In-8º de XXIX-I-331 págs. Enc. editorial. Profusamente ilustrado com fotos e diagramas. 25,00€
16915 ELLIS, Richard W. B. -- DISEASE IN INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD. By... With 333 illustrations. Second edition. E & S. Livingstone, Lda. Edinburgh and London. 1956. In-4º de VII-710 págs. E. 14,00€
19459 ESAGUY, Eva-Renate -- CASCAIS - TOWN OF KINGS AND FISHERMAN - VILLA DE REYES Y DE PESCADORES. By... (Junta de Turismo de Cascais. 1956). In-8º 22 págs. inums. B. Texto a duas colunas (Inglês e Espanhol). Profusamente ilustrado. 10,00€
20082 FARIA, José Lima de -- IDENTIFICATION OF METAMICT MINERALS BY X-RAY POWDER PHOTOGRAPHS. (Junta de Investigações do Ultramar). Lisboa. 1964. In-8º de 74-I págs. + 54 tabelas Cart. editorial. Na colecção "Estudos, ensaios e documentos - 112". 15,00€
3743 GAMITTO, A. C. P. -- KING KAZEMBE. and Marave, Cheva, Bisa, Bemba, Lunda, and other peoples of southem Africa, being the Diary of the Portuguese expedition to that potentate in the years 1831 and 1832. Translated by lan Cunnison. Lisboa. Junta de Investigações do Ultramar. 1960. 2 vols. In-4º de 208 e 228 págs. B. Na Colecção: "Estudos de Ciências Politicas e Sociais - 42 e 43". 28,00€
14055 GOLDSMITH -- HISTORY OF GREECE,. Abridged by himself, for the use of schools. A new and correct edition. London. Cowie and Co. 1830. In-8º peq. de IV-296 págs. E. Encardenação em inteira de pele da época. 32,50€
14123 GOLDSMITH -- ROMAN HISTORY. Abridged by himself, for the use of schools. A new and correct edition. London. Cowie and Co. S/d. In-8º peq. de 303 págs. E. Encadernação em inteira de pele da época. 32,50€
14239 GUICHARD, Lieut. Louis -- NAVAL (THE) BLOCKADE 1914 - 1918. By... Franch Navy; attached to the Historical Section of the French Ministry of Marine;... Translated and edited by Christopher R. Turner. London. Philip Allan & Co., Lta. MDCCCXXX (1930). In-8º de XII-324 págs. Enc. Editorial. 20,00€
5648 GULBENKIAN, Roberto -- JACOME ABUNA, AN ARMENIAN BISHOP IN MALABAR (1503 - 1550). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Paris. 1972. In-4º de págs. numeradas de 149 a 176 B. Separata do IV volume dos "Arquivos do Centro Cultural Português". 6,50€
14448 GUNN, W.D. -- CATTLE OF SOUTHERN INDIA. By... 1909. Madras. The Superintendent, Government Press. In-8º gr. de 65 págs. E. Com diversas fotografias em extratexto, e um mapa desdobravél de Madras. 25,00€
17735 HENRY HOME, Lord Kames -- ELEMENTS OF CRITICISM. In three volumes. The Second edition. With additions and improvements. Printed for A. Millar, London; and A.Kincaid & J. Bell. Edinburgh. MDCCLXIII (1763). 3 vols. In-8º de XII-433, 481e 459-XLVIII págs. E. O autor, filósofo escocês do século XVIII e um dos líderes do Iluminismo escocês. Foi autor de numerosos trabalhos. Encadernação da época, inteira em pele. 200,00€
14392 HOOK, Theodore -- SAYINGS AND DOINGS, OR SKETCHES FROM LIFE. by... Paris. Baudry's European Library. 1836. In-8º de 412 págs. E. Encadernação simples. 30,00€
14539 I.C.S. - REFERENCE LIBRARY -- I.C.S. - REFERENCE LIBRARY. A series of textbooks prepared for the students of the International Correspondence Schools and containing in permanent form the instruction papers, examination questions, and keys used in their various courses - Electric-Railway Systems; Line and Track; Line Calculations; Motors and Controllers; Electric-Car Equipment; Multiple-Unit Systems; Single-Phase Raillway System; Efficiency Tests; Mercury-Vapor Converters; Voltage Regulation. Scranton. International Textbook Company. (Printed in the United States.) (1908?). 1 grosso vol. Enc. Cada tema possui uma numeração independente. Obra ilustrada com numerosos desenhos de máquinas, esquemas, etc. 48,00€
17595 LANZI, Abate Luigi (trad. ROSCOE, Thomas) -- HISTORY (THE) OF PAINTING IN ITALY. From the period of the revival of the fine arts to the end of the eighteenth century; translated from the Italian of the Abate Luigi Lanzi. By... Volume I - Containing the Florentine, Sienese, and Roman Schools (Volume II - Containing the Schools of Naples, Venice, Lombardy, Mantua, Modena, Parma, Cremona, and Milan). New edition, revised. London. Henry G. Bohn. 1852-1853. 2 vols. In-8º de VIII-544 e VI-538 págs. Enc. editorial. 75,00€
20773 LOCHÉE, Lewis -- ELEMENTS OF FIELD FORTIFICATION. By... Master of the R. M. Academy, Little Chelsea. London. Printed for the Author and sold by T. Cadell... MDCCLXXXIII (1783). In-8º de XIII-164 págs. + 7 pranchas desdobráveis E. Encadernação fraca. 290,00€
20473 LUPI, Luís C. -- PORTUGAL IN AFRICA. The significance of the visit of the President of the Republic to the overseas provinces by... Lisboa. Agência Geral do Ultramar (General Agency for Overseas). 1957. In-8º de 40 págs. B. 12,50€
17733 MACPHERSON, David -- ANNALS OF COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, FISHERIES, AND NAVIGATION. With brief notices of the Arts and Sciences connected with them, containing the Commercial Transactions of the British Empire and Other Countries, to the from the earliest accounts to the meeting of the Union Parliament in Junuary 1801;... with a large Appendix, containing chronological tables of the sovereigns of Europe, tables of the alterations of money in England and Scotland, a chronological table of the prices of corn, &c and a commercial and manufactural gazetteer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; with a general chronological index.. by... In four volumes. Vol. II (Vol. III e Vol. IV). Printed for Nichols and Son, W.J. and J. Richardson... London; and for Mundell and Son, Edinburgh. 1805. 3 vols. de 738, 728 e 550 + appendix + Index, In-fólio E. A esta importante obra falta o volume I. Encadernação da época, inteira em pele. Primeira edição. 300,00€
14242 MELSHEIMER, Rudolph E. - GARDNER, Samuel -- LAW (THE) AND CUSTOMS OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE. with an appendice containing the rules and regulations authorised by the committee for the conduct of business. Bt... And... Being the third edition of the work compiled by Rudolph E. Melsheimer and the late Walter Laurence, of the Stock Exchange. London. Sweet and Maxwell, Limited.... 1891. In-8º de XIII-199 págs. Enc. Editorial. 20,00€
17601 MISCELÂNEA -- TEATRO - THEATRE - THÉÂTRE. A WORD TO THE WISE, a comedy, as it was performed at the THEATRE ROYAL, in Drury-Lane. By Hugh Kelly,... A new edition. London, Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly. MDCCLXXIII (1778). In-8º de IV-99-II páginas; Segue: ALBINA, Countess Raimon; a tragedy by Mrs. Cowley; as it is performed at the THEATRE ROYAL in the Hay-Market. London. Printed by T. Spilsbury. M,DCC,LXXIX (1779). In-8º de II-VIII-IV-84 PÁGINAS; Segue: PHILASTER, a tragedy written by Beaumont Fletcher, with alterations as it is acted at the THEATRE-ROYAL in Drury_lane. The second edition. London. Printed for J. and R. Tonson. MDCCLXIV (1764). In-8º de VIII-59 páginas; Segue: PERCY, a tragedy as it is acted at the THEATRE-ROYAL in Covent-Garden. London. Printed for T. Cadell. MDCCLXXVIII (1778). In-8º de VIII-87-I páginas; Segue: BRAGANZA a tragedy. Performed at the THEATRE ROYAL in Drury Lane. Written by Robert Jephson... The third edition. London. Printed for T. Evans... and T. Davies... MDCCLXXV (1775). In-8º de IV-IV-76 páginas; Segue: KNOW YOUR OWN MIND: a comedy performed at the THEATRE - ROYAL in Covent Garden. London. Printed for T. Becket. MDCCLXXVIII (1778). In-8º de VI-98-II páginas; Segue: THE GAMESTER. A tragedy as it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The six edition. London. Printed for T. Davies. M.DCC.LXXI (1771). In-8º de IV-II-94-I; e finalmente: ELVIRA: a tragedy acted at the THEATRE ROYAL in Daury-Lane. London. Printed for A. Millar. MDCCLXIII (1763). In-8º de VIII-69-III páginas. As oito peças em 1 vol. E. Necessita de nova encadernação mas os exemplares bem conservados. 75,00€
20003 MONTEIRO, Armindo -- REPORT ON THE COLONIAL BUDGETS. BY THE MINISTER FOR COLONIES OF PORTUGAL DR. ARMINDO MONTEIRO. : Financial Year 1933-1934. Lisboa. Agency General for the Colonies. Division of Publications & Library. (1934). In-8º de 83 págs. B. Publicado em "Colection of Colonial Reports, Studies and Documents - n.º 5". 12,50€
15775 NICHOLSON, Peter -- MECHANICAL EXERCISES, OR, THE ELEMENTS AND PRATICE. or, the elements and practice of carpentry, plastering, joinery, painting... containing a full description of THE TOOLS... with an explanation of the Terms Used in each art... Illustrated by thirty-nine copper plates. By... London. J. Taylor. 1812. In-8º gr de XXVI-II-396-I págs. E. Peter Nicholson foi arquiteto cujo conhecimento científico foi constantemente virado para resultados práticos. 280,00€
18674 PIPER, David -- HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC - PARIS ALBUM. London. The Folio Society. 1958. In-8º gr de págs. inums. E. Páginas com gravuras a preto e branco. 10,00€
14380 PRINCE (THE) OF WALES BOOK -- PRINCE (THE) OF WALES BOOK. A pictorial record of the voyages of H. M. S. "Renown". 1919-1920. Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd. London... S/d. In-4º de págs. inums. Cart. do editor Obra com muitas fotografias e com um pequeno texto introdutório. 32,50€
9479 QUEEN'S (THE) BOOK OF THE RED CROSS -- QUEEN'S (THE) BOOK OF THE RED CROSS. With a Message from her Majesty the Queen and Contributions by fifty British authors and Artists. In Aid of The Lord Mayor of London's fund. Hodder and Stoughton. (1939). In-8º gr. de 255 págs. Enc. do editor 30,00€
13569 ROBERTSON, William -- HISTORY (THE) OF SCOTLAND. During the Reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI till his accession to the Crown of England. With a review of the Scottish History previous to that Period; And an Appendix containing Original Papers. In Two Volumes. By..., D.D. The elenventh edition, with emendations and additions. London: Printed for T. Cadell, In the Strand. MDCCLXXXVII (1787). 2 vols. In-8º de XXIV-534-I e II-559-I-XLIV págs. E. Com um retrato do autor. Encadernação da época, inteira em pele. 160,00€
19715 ROCOCO ART FROM BAVARIA -- ROCOCO ART FROM BAVARIA. Lund Humphries. London. (1956). In-4º páginas não numeradas e com mais de 160 gravuras. Enc do editor. 30,00€
17857 SALMON, Frederick -- PRACTICAL (A) ESSAY ON STRICTURE OF THE RECTUM. Illustrated by cases, showing the connexion of that disease with irratation of the lungs, affections of the urinary organs and of the uterus, with piles, fistula in ano, and various constitutional complaints. By... The Second Edition. London. Printed for G. B. Whittaker, Ave-Maria Lane... 1828. In-8º de XIV-223-I págs. E. FREDERICK SALMON foi fundador do ST. MARK'S HOSPITAL, em Londres. Encadernação: cartonagem fraca. 150,00€
17372 SAYRE, Lewis A. -- LECTURES ON ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. And Diseases of the Joints, Delivered At Bellevue Hospital Medical College, During the Winter Session of 1874-1875. Second Edition. London. J. & A. Churchill. (1876). In-4º de XX-569-XVI págs. E. Encadernação fraca. 324 figuras a acompanhar o texto. Obra bastante interessante sobre ortopedia. Rara 200,00€
20126 SCHILLER -- POEMS (THE) AND BALLADS OF.... Translated by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. With a brief sketch of the author's life. Leipzig. Bernh. 1844. In-16º de CIV-284 págs Cart. 15,00€
13022 SEYNAEVE, Jaak -- CARDINAL NEWMAN'S DOCTRINE ON HOLY SCRIPTURE. according to his published works and previously unedited manuscripts by... 1953. Universitaires de Louvain. Oxford. In-8º gr. de XXVIII-408-160-IV págs. Enc. do editor 16,00€
19113 THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL CODEX 1934 -- THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL CODEX 1934. Na Imperial Dispensatory for the use of Medical Practitioners and Pharmacists. Published by Direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. London. The Pharmaceutical Press. 1934. In-4º de XXIII-II-1768 Págs. E. Encadernação original. 30,00€
19047 THE URSULINE MANUAL -- THE URSULINE MANUAL. OR A COLLECTION OF PRAYERS, SPIRITUAL EXERCISES &c. Interspersed with the Various Instructions Necessary for Forming Youth to the Practice of Solid Piety arranged for The Young Ladies Educated at the Ursuline Convent, Cork... Dublin. 1865. In-12º de 504 págs. E. Bonita encadernação da época. 35,00€
15780 TIGHE, Henry -- PSYCHE. with Other Poems by The Late Mrs....The Fourth Edition. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1812. In-8º de XV-311-I págs. E. 32,00€
15855 WALTON, William -- LETTER (A), ADDRESSED TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE EARL GREY,. &c. &c. &c. on the state of our political & commercial relation with Portugal. By... London. 1831. In-8º de 174-II págs. B. 80,00€
17938 WHITEMAN, W. M. -- HISTORY (THE) OF THE CARAVAN. Blandford Press. (1973. England). In-8º de 295 págs. Enc. do editor Primeira edição 25,00€
14135 WILSON, H. W. -- IRONCLADS IN ACTION. A Sketch of Naval Warfare from 1855 to 1895. With some account of the development of the battleship in England. By... With na introduction by Capitain A. T. Mahan... With maps, plans, and illustrations. London. Sampson Low, Marston and Company. 1896. 2 vols. In-4º de XXXVI-357 e XVI-374 págs. Enc. Editorial. Exemplar com um corte na página do frontispício. Ilustrado com numerosas gravuras em extratexto. Dourado à cabeça. 48,00€
12162 WOLDMAN, Benjamin B. -- HANDBOOK OF CHILD PSYCHO-ANALYSIS. Research, theory, and pratice. In Collaboration with... Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. (1972). In-4º peq. de 643 págs. B. 14,00€